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Frequently Asked Questions

Here you can find answers to general questions concerning Ultimate Stunts. If your question is not here, then you can ask it with the form on the bottom of this page. Please only ask questions in english. Question and answer will be put on the site in english first, and then translations will be made to other languages. If you want your question+answer, this entire page, or the entire Ultimate Stunts site to be available in your own language, please help me by using the Contribute page.
(About the project)

Why did you start the project?

Is there a way to be notified by email of new releases?

Yes. You should create a user account for yourself on Sourceforge. Then, go to the project page of Ultimate Stunts, and click on the white envelope next to the name of a package that you want to monitor.

How can I help Ultimate Stunts?

That fully depends on your skills. If you speak both english and a non-english language, then you can make and maintain translations of the website (and later of the game). If you have artistic skills (e.g. in creating music, sound effects, textures or 3D models), then you can help with that (please first contact me so that you know what's needed and what's not). And, of course, Ultimate Stunts needs programmers. Programmers with knowledge about openGL, SDL, ODE, FMOD, openAL, network programming, multithreaded programming, physics simulation or AI programming can make themselves useful.

Will there be an online site where we can upload our own tracks/tiles/cars?

For now, if you have contributions, then you can send them by e-mail. If the number of contributions gets really large (which is expected when a reasonable track editor is made), then there will probably be a site / page for exchanging your own creations.
(About compiling / platforms)

Which platforms are supported?

In theory, every UNIX-like platform is supported that has openGL, SDL and BSD network sockets (FMOD should be available for sound, but you can compile without sound support). In practice, you need to have either a Cygwin system on windows or an X Window based system. Platforms that have been reported to work are: Platforms where there are known compilation attempts (with problems):

Will there be out-of-the-box compile support for OS X?

I hope so. Unfortunately I do not have an OS X system, so I cannot develop OS X support. It should be relatively easy to patch the file so that OS X is supported. You only need autoconf experience, and some compilation experience. I don't think that anything needs to be changed in the source code itself.

Is it possible to run the windows binaries in Wine?

It is possible to run Ultimate Stunts in the windows emulator Wine, even with hardware accelerated graphics, but sound may not work. To prevent it from crashing, disable it by using the "nosound" windowsdriver in ultimatestunts.conf. BTW, this is just for fun; for Linux users it's better to compile the source code.

What sound output targets are supported?

Ultimate Stunts can use two libraries for its sound output: FMOD and openAL. The decision which of these is used is made by the configure-script when compiling the source code. If openAL is detected, it uses that, else if FMOD is detected, it uses that, and else it compiles without sound support. Both libraries are multi-platform 3D sound libraries, which use the platform-specific output targets of the operating system they work on. For example, in windows, DirectSound can be used, and in Linux OSS or Alsa.

Is there a way to compile Ultimate Stunts and have some libraries in a nonstandard location?

Maybe this works:
export LDFLAGS="-Lput_your_path_here"

(About using)

Where can I install the data files?

You can place the data files anywhere on your system, as long as the datadir variable in ultimatestunts.conf points to it. By default, this is "." in the windows binary distribution, and "/usr/share/ultimatestunts" in the source code package. Note that currently the file ultimatestunts.conf itself needs to be in the "." directory, so you should start Ultimate Stunts from the same directory as where ultimatestunts.conf is.

What are the keys inside the game (e.g. for controlling the camera)?

Have a look here. These things can and will change in future versions.

Where can I play online?

There is not yet a central place where you can find online players. When you know some players, then you need the IP address or hostname of one of them, Then, you can host a network game on that computer and connect to it from the other computers But, it's all alpha-state software, so it may not work...
(About hardware)

What hardware is required for Ultimate Stunts?

To take advantage of all graphical features of Ultimate Stunts, I'd reccommend the following: If you have less video memory, then performance might drop because textures don't fit into video memory, so they need to be swapped to/from RAM. This can be solved by decreasing the texture size in ultimatestunts.conf. If you set everything to minimum in ultimatestunts.conf, then you only need the following to make it work more or less smooth: Slower processors will also work, but of course the graphics and simulation will no longer be smooth enough. The theoretical limit (NOT recommended) is a 386 PC. The slowest processor that Ultimate Stunts has been tested on is a pentium 75. The windows version of Ultimate Stunts is compiled on an AMD Athlon processor. It is not known if the executable is compatible with very old processors, but it will probably not give problems with pentium-compatible processors.

The speed of Ultimate Stunts is mostly limited by openGL, so if you don't have openGL acceleration, that will be your main problem. You can try to run Ultimate Stunts in a very small window, to decrease the number of per-pixel operations of openGL.

Have there been known issues with any video hardware?

In the past, there have been some issues, but they have been solved. Ultimate Stunts is continuously being tested on Microsoft software openGL, Mesa, an ATI Radeon 9200 and a NVIDIA Geforce 2. There could appear new issues when the rendering engine is being improved, but currently there are no known issues.

Can I use a joystick or another gaming device?

Yes. Users of joystick-like devices have the advantage of proportional steering. There are currently no plans for force feedback support (just because I don't know how to do that).
(About the future)

Will ultimate Stunts have multiplaying?

Yes, both over computer networks as in split-screen mode. It will even be possible to mix those two: let two players join 1 network game using 1 computer and splitscreen mode. Currently, network multiplaying is not yet available.

Will I be able to import my track from the original stunts game?

Yes. In future versions, the track editor will be able to import original Stunts tracks.

Will the tile creator be parts-style (gives parts that you can rotate, move, scale, etc.) or 3D-editor style (you can import files from a 3D modeller )?

It will be more like 3D-editor style. Actually, I don't have plans to make it much better than it is now. The idea is that the tiles are the parts, the track-editor will be a parts-style editor. The stunts3dedit program will be nothing more than a user-unfriendly tool for importing foreign file formats, and applying some low-level modifications. IMO only parts-style editors are user-friendly enough for unexperienced users. The track-editor will be suitable for these users, the stunts3dedit program will not.

Does the 1.0 version comes w/t an .sh installer?

In version 1.0 I'll try to make installation as easy as possible. I'll also make packages for various distributions, and maybe even a live-CD for people who don't have Linux installed :-)
(about any other subject)

What are you like?

I'm a 22 year old dutch student, studying Applied Physics at the TU Delft. Like most members of the XTC, I'm also a member of the C.S.R.-Delft, which is a christian student society. When there is time for it, I like to work on projects like Ultimate Stunts. I have a lot of programming experience, especially with 3D graphics, which started when I was only about 13 years old, when I learned programming in QBasic. Actually, the first interactive program I ever made was a remake of Stunts in QBasic. After that game (which was a "semi-3D" game), I made several simpler games, a 3D editor and (still in QBasic) the space flight simulator "Star Voyage" (which was later ported to Visual Basic). I worked for several years on that project (1997 - 2001), and it was very realistic, but the gameplay was quite boring. That's when I remembered Stunts, and started the Ultimate Stunts project.

Recently posted questions:

Are there any plans to add more cars?
  Yes, but adding a new car is a lot of work, so I won't add many cars in a single version.

hi, when i try to install the game i can extract and run ./configure but when i try make it gives "make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop." what is wrong?
  The configure script is supposed to generate Makefiles. If they are not found, then I guess
  the configure script failed somewhere. Please have a look at the output of the configure
  script and read the documentation on how to compile Ultimate Stunts. If you can't figure it
  out on your own, please contact me.

Issue with non-us keyboard layout (fr) via ibus. I can not enter any number because required modifier (shift, numlock) are not taken.

There is the possibility of car mod?
Could you add the indy 500 car from the original stunts? I feel like the Formula 1 car is similar, but accelerates much faster making ramps very easy.
In the next version, put some trucks, buses, tanks, will get much more shocking game  I am Brazilian and I used google to translate

How to fix make error 1 and error 2 when compiling ?
I'm going to change my PC. Would Ultimatestunts be compatible with Windows 8.1?

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How can i translate the game?
<svg "ons>
<svg "ons>
Wheels make four tracks! Edge of each tire during turns.
When will the next version be released?

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English only please. This is not a proper place for bug reports, it's just for general questions that apply to more than just one specific situation.